Who are we able to support?


We welcome individuals to our homes with varying levels of support needs and adopt a philosophy which aspires to “enable individuals to live as they choose”.

Details of registration with our regulator, the Care Quality Commission, can be found on the following website www.cqc.org.uk and is easily accessed under the individual care home name. Here you will also be able to access information as to our current inspection ratings.

Within our group we have nursing homes, residential homes and a rehabilitation centre.
We are able to support a wide range of people with physical needs, people living with all forms of dementia and people nearing the end of their lives.

Whilst many individuals come to live in our homes on a permanent basis we can also organise short term and respite stays if the dates are mutually convenient.

Where are our homes?


Within our group we have the following homes:

 Risby Hall Nursing Home; the smallest home in our group is registered to support up to 32 residents with nursing needs and/or living with cognitive impairment. it is situated in Risby a small village 5 miles from Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.

 Risby Park Nursing Home; Is on the same site as the Hall and is registered to support up to 54 residents with nursing needs and/or cognitive impairment.

 Beech House Residential Home: based in Halesworth, Suffolk and is able to support up to 49 individuals with residential support needs and/or cognitive impairment.

 Hazell Court Residential Home; is registered to support up to 43 individuals with residential support needs and/or cognitive impairment in Sudbury, Suffolk. Also on the site is our 12 bedded rehabilitation centre providing services for individuals with nursing and or cognitive needs who require a period of short term support before returning home but also when an individual requires support outside of their own homes for a period of time.

 Prince of Wales Residential Home; one of our Ipswich homes is registered to support up to 49 individuals with residential needs and or cognitive impairments.

 Sherrington House Residential Home; also in Ipswich, is registered to support up to 48 individuals with residential needs or cognitive impairments.

We don’t have very large homes within our group as we believe that smaller allows us to ensure that our environments are homely and support our teams to achieve our vision of “enabling individuals to live as they choose”.

Who are our team?

Information about each of our Registered Managers can be found within the individual Home page and each is supported by our central team, details of which can be found on our Contact Us page.

Each of our homes have dedicated teams in place 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. The exact number of staff that you would find within our homes depends on the support needs of the residents and the time of day or night.

Our nursing homes will have qualified nursing staff present 24 hours a day, residential homes will be supported by senior care staff throughout the day and night.

All homes have care and support teams, engagement teams, catering, housekeeping, maintenance and administration staff.

In the spirit of our environments feeling like home, none of our team will be in uniform.

Should you wish to know exactly how many staff will be in any given building at any given time then please contact the relevant care home directly. Our staffing numbers are determined on need which can change daily and will only be accurate at the time of asking.

How do we arrive at our fee levels?


As a group we accept individuals receiving funding from a range of sources, you may be funding your own care, supported by the local authority, the NHS or a combination as long as the total amount of the funding available meets the required support needs of the person concerned.

We understand that people do not neatly fit into pre-defined boxes and as such we determine our fee levels based upon both the support needs that an individual has and the nature of the accommodation being considered.

Within our group we have a variety of room sizes and facilities, as you’d expect our fees are lower when smaller rooms are being considered.

Our fees are inclusive of the care, support and engagement that our team provides and all catering, housekeeping and maintenance and administrative functions linked to the everyday running of our properties. You may find that additional charges are made if an individual is escorted to a medical appointment outside of the home or for the provision of services that we don’t supply in-house, for example, hairdressing and chiropody.

Should you wish to receive an exhaustive list of any extras that may you may be charged for then please contact the home you are considering and they will be able to provide you with their current prices.

Typically our fee’s range from £650 and £1350 per week although there can be exceptions above this range (specifically as and when we are asked to support an individual requiring continuous dedicated support and/or the support of more than 3 members of our team at once for significant periods of time during any given day).

for example an individual with a lower level of care and support need, wishing to reside in a residential home in one of our smaller bedrooms could expect to be quoted a fee rate at the lower end of our range. However, an individual with complex nursing needs, perhaps also living with a cognitive impairment and requiring a great deal of support to understand their surroundings would be quoted a fee at the higher end of our range.

We do not typically require any upfront payments or deposits unless you wish to reserve a room for more than a week before the date of admission. In these circumstances we’d charge 50% of your total fee until such time that you or your loved one came to move in.

If either you or a loved one are considering coming to live in one of our homes then our teams will be able to discuss and determine an appropriate fee rate with you as soon as they gain an understanding of your or your relatives needs.

We routinely review our fees on an annual basis and will communicate any changes to you in writing in advance of the changes taking effect. We also offer the opportunity to have a discussion prior to fee changes being implemented so that queries can be resolved and any concerned aired.

When carrying out our annual fee review we are guided by the increases in the Governments national minimum wage, where we need to ensure we can remain competitive in order to attract the best calibre of staff. Details of previous and current wage rates that the Government have set can be found at https://www.gov.uk/national-minimum-wage. We are proud of the work that our team undertake and are of the view that we would like to continue to reward them at a level that reflects this.

Whilst our pay expenditure is the most significant of our costs, we will also take into account levels of inflation affecting our remaining non pay expenditure (that is, Consumer Prices Index including housing costs).

We completely appreciate that it is helpful to have an indication of how fee levels may be change over future years. Unfortunately, as none of us are able to determine what decisions the Government may take regarding the National Minimum Wage, nor are we able to predict with certainty what levels of inflation the UK economy may experience, being able to provide you with reliable certainty with regards to future fee levels is not possible.

We can however share with you what increases have been seen in previous years on a similar fee rate to that you are considering and explain the relevant historical factors that led to those changes. Please do not hesitate to contact the home in question if you would like this information.

Once living with us, the level of care and support that individuals require will be kept under review. We recognise that individuals needs can sometimes change quite significantly and from time to time this may have an impact on the level of fee that we charge. If this becomes relevant we will discuss it with all parties prior to adjusting a fee rate.

We recognise that funding for social care can often seem very complicated. Given this we have provided a number of links where some useful information can be obtained:

Eligibility for attendance allowance: https://www.gov.uk/attendance-allowance

Eligibility for Funded Nursing Care: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/money-work-and-benefits/nhs-funded-nursing-care

Eligibility for NHS Continuing Care: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/money-work-and-benefits/nhs-continuing-healthcare/

Suffolk County Council Adult Social Care: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/care-and-support-for-adults/how-social-care-can-help/contact-adult-social-care/

What are our buildings like?


Our aim is to try and replicate home. We are neither a hospital nor a hotel and as such our buildings are of differing ages with a range of room sizes.

Some of our homes are able to accommodate couples within shared rooms. All rooms are fully furnished but we are more than happy for individuals to bring in as much or as little of their own furniture as they wish.

We are able to provide televisions, phone points and internet access as required.

We welcome pets to our homes (subject to pre-assessment and space) and we will assist in ensuring that their needs can be met in a harmonious way, respecting others within the home.

Visitors are welcome in the homes 24/7 although we do ask that anyone wishing to come late at night and/or stay overnight discuss this with the team in advance so we are able to make the appropriate arrangements.

Other information that may be of interest to you


We offer contents insurance up to £1000, please talk to us if this limit is not adequate for the items that you wish to bring into the home.
Our current food hygiene ratings can be accessed at https://ratings.food.gov.uk
Should you choose one of our homes, a copy of our current Terms and Conditions is available on request from our Central Office staff.

And finally


Should you not be satisfied with any aspect of our service then we would like to know to support our development, details of how to raise a complaint can be found in all our resident Support Plans and on request from our Central Office.